The Belfast Blitz: Casualties of the Fire Raid

While the death toll in Belfast was lower than that caused by the Easter Raid, the Fire Raid of 4th-5th May 1941 brought devastation across much of the city.

9th Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment

On the night of 4th-5th May 1941, high explosive bombs and incendiaries rained down on East Belfast. There were seven fatalities among the ranks of 9th Gloucestershire Regiment based at Victoria Park.

No. 173 Company, The Pioneer Corps

During the Fire Raid of the Belfast Blitz, several members of No. 173 Company, The Pioneer Corps died as bombs fell on billets at No. 24 (London) General Hospital and Eglington Street P.E.S.

Patients at No. 24 (London) General Hospital

As well as billeted members of the British Army and medics, a number of patients undergoing treatment died as a result of the bombing of the military hospital in East Belfast.

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