Civilian Robert Rodgers Jr. was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. He lived with his parents Robert Rodgers Sr. (His...
Daniel Rogers
Civilian Mary Rogers was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. She lived with her husband Daniel Rogers at 1 Hatton Drive...
Civilian Emily Rowley was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. She lived with her husband Charles James Rowley at 19 Barbour...
Civilian John Roy was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. He lived with his wife E. Roy at 50 Tamar Street, Belfast at the...
Civilian Elizabeth Smyth was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. She lived with her parents Gunner James Smyth (His Majesty’s...
Civilian Ellen Smyth was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. She lived with her husband Gunner James Smyth (His Majesty’s...
Civilian Lawrence Smyth was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. She lived with her parents Gunner James Smyth (His Majesty’s...
Civilian May Smyth was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. She lived with her parents Gunner James Smyth (His Majesty’s...
Civilian Sadie Smyth was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. She lived with her parents Gunner James Smyth (His Majesty’s...
Civilian Margery Stafford was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. She lived at 37 Westbourne Street, Belfast at the time of...
Ulster Home Guard Sergeant William John Sterrett was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. He lived with his wife Kathleen...