Albert Hamilton

Able Seaman Albert Hamilton of Portadown, Co. Armagh served on H.M.S. Neptune when it entered an Italian-laid minefield at the head of Force K in December 1941.

Able Seaman

Albert Hamilton

D/SSX 26639

Able Seaman Albert Hamilton (D/SSX 26639) served in the Royal Navy during the Second World War. He was the only son of the late Samuel Hamilton and Annie Hamilton of 10 Water Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh.

Mrs. Samuel Hamilton, 10 Water St., Portadown, has received official notification that her son, Able Seaman Albert Hamilton R.N., has been reported as missing on war service.

Able Seaman Hamilton, who was just in his 25th year, joined the Royal Navy in July 1938. His ship was in action with the naval forces in the battle of Bardia.

A past pupil of Park Road P.E.S., he was a former employee in the weaving department of Messrs. Spence, Bryson & Co. Ltd. where he was extremely popular with his fellow workers. His mother and sister received an aerographed greetings message from him at Christmas, and a short time ago he sent his mother a “souvenir” from Egypt – a beautiful embroidered table centre.

He had not been home on leave for a year. His father, who served through the last war, died in 1928.

Able Seaman Hamilton died on 19th December 1941 aged 34 years old while serving on H.M.S. Neptune. He has no known grave and his name is on Panel 47, Column 1 of the Plymouth Naval Memorial, Plymouth, Devon, England. His name is also on the Portadown War Memorial, Portadown, Co. Armagh.

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