Springhill House, Moneymore, Co. Londonderry

During the Second World War, the National Trust property at Springhill House, Moneymore, Co. Londonderry saw use as a base for visiting soldiers in training.

Springhill House

When elements of the United States Army set up camp at Springhill near the village of Moneymore, Co. Londonderry, the main house and outbuildings saw use by officers, while the courtyard was an area for recreation and drill.

Wartime at Springhill

With soldiers making use of the house and grounds, there were some changes around Springhill House during the Second World War. Mina Lowry Lenox-Coyningham provided GIs with books from the library and ice cream.

The Tower Hill Camp

During the Second World War, the United States Army remained segregated by race. In Moneymore, black soldiers had a camp in Nissen huts set up in the Tower Hill area to the rear of the main house at Springhill.

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