Samuel Ball

Samuel Ball of Harcourt Drive, Belfast died on 17th April 1941 following treatment at Mater Infirmorum Hospital. He sustained injuries in the Easter Raid.


Civilian Samuel Ball was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. He lived with his wife Isabella Ball at 47 Harcourt Drive, Belfast at the time of the Luftwaffe attack on the city.

He was the son of Joseph Ball and Sarah Ann Ball of Cargycreevy, Ballynahinch, Co. Down. Samuel Ball died on 17th April 1941 aged 66 years old at Mater Infirmorum Hospital, Belfast. He sustained injuries on 16th April 1941 at 47 Harcourt Drive, Belfast. A funeral service took place at 1200hrs on 20th April 1941 from Messrs. Thomas Johnston’s Rest Room, 43 Bedford Street, Belfast.

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