Mary “May” Elizabeth Vannan

Mary or May Elizabeth Vannan of 16 York Park, Belfast died on 7th May 1941 at Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast following the Luftwaffe raid on 5th May 1941.


Civilian Mary "May" Elizabeth Vannan was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. She lived with her husband Henry Vannan, and daughter Ann Elizabeth Vannan at 16 York Park, Belfast at the time of the Luftwaffe attack on the city.

She was the daughter of Henry Taylor and Annie Taylor of 39 Farnham Street, Belfast. Mary “May” Elizabeth Vannan died on 7th May 1941 aged 29 years old at Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. She sustained injuries on 5th May 1941 at 16 York Street, Belfast. Her daughter Ann Elizabeth Vannan died on 5th May 1941 at 16 York Park, Belfast. Her son George Vannan sustained injuries during the raid and also spent some time in hospital.

Mary “May” Elizabeth Vannan’s grave is in Carnmoney Cemetery, Carnmoney, Co. Antrim. The Belfast Telegraph newspaper published on 8th May 1941 lists Mary’s name as “May Elizabeth Vannan”. A funeral service took place at 1430hrs on 9th May 1941 from Messrs. Melville and Co. Ltd., Townsend Street, Belfast.

On 8th May 1941, Ormeau Apprentice Boys Temperance Lodge L.O.L. 978 published their condolences in the Belfast Telegraph:

The Officers and Members of above Lodge regret to learn of the death of the daughter and granddaughter of their esteemed Member Br. H. Taylor and wish to tender to him and family their deepest sympathy.

H. Robinson (Worshipful Master) and W. Bell (Secretary).

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