Jane Larmour

Miss Jane Larmour of 36 Alliance Avenue, Belfast died on 20th April 1941 at Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast as a result of injuries sustained during the Blitz.


Civilian Jane Larmour was a fatal casualty of the Belfast Blitz during the Second World War. She lived at 36 Alliance Avenue, Belfast at the time of the Luftwaffe attack on the city.

She was unmarried, and the last surviving daughter of Matthew Larmour. Jane Larmour died on 20th April 1941 aged 84 years old at Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast.

On 29th May 1946, the Belfast Telegraph newspaper reported on the charitable donations made through the will of the late Miss Jane Larmour. Berry Street Presbyterian Church, Belfast received £500, Belfast Sailors’ Society received £100, as too did the Irish Colportage Society in connection with the General Assembly of the Irish Presbyterian Church.

Jane bequeathed smaller amounts too to the Mission to Lepers, the China Inland Mission, the North-Eastern Bible Institute at Niuchwang, Manchuria, China, and the British-Israel World Federation. The latter requests were to be used by the Reverend James McCammon in China, and for projects working among Jewish communities respectively.

All local newspaper entries relating to Jane list her surname with the alternative spelling of “Larmor”.

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