Alexander Liggett

Sergeant Alexander Liggett served in 7 Royal Tank Regiment during the Second World War. His military career took him from Portadown to Palestine and on to war.


Alexander Liggett


Enlistment in 1925

On 23rd April 1925, Alexander Liggett, a weaver from Portadown, Co. Armagh enlisted in the British Army. His given age was 18 years and 3 days but in truth, he was a few days shy of his 16th birthday.

Missing in the Western Desert

In the summer of 1941, Sergeant Alexander Liggett of 7 R.T.R. appeared on a list of missing soldiers on the War Office's Casualty List no. 600. He was last seem on 17th June 1941.

Alex in the Archives

Several War Office documents held at the National Archives show Sergeant Liggett at prisoner of war camps.

A letter from Italy

On 8th March 1943, Sergeant Alexander Liggett wrote a letter home to his wife in Portadown, Co. Armagh.

A postcard from Germany

On 3rd February 1945, Sergeant Alexander Liggett wrote a postcard home to his wife in Portadown, Co. Armagh.

A Christmas card from South Africa

In December 1946, Alexander Liggett in Portadown, Co. Armagh received a Christmas card from Harry Rose-Innes in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

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