The Boys: Triumph Over Adversity by Martin Gilbert

'The Boys' by Martin Gilbert is a poignant and powerful true story of children who survived the Holocaust. Some of them found a safe-haven in Northern Ireland.

'The Boys: Triumph Over Adversity' by

Published in by Weidenfeld & Nicolson

  • Social History
  • Second World War
  • Holocaust

First published in 1996, 'The Boys: Triumph Over Adversity' by Martin Gilbert is a powerful and poignant story of real-life young Jewish survivors of the concentration camps. Throughout the book, several of the boys in question recall their time at Millisle, Co. Down.

In 1946, the first young survivors of the Holocaust in occupied Europe began to arrive in the United Kingdom. Martin Gilbert’s epic work tells the story of many of those boys and young men who found freedom and a new life in Britain. Many spent months or years in quiet rural locations such as Windermere in the Lake District in England or in Ulster.

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