Revival of the West Belfast Labour Party

Following a meeting of the Northern Ireland Labour Party, the Belfast News-Letter reported on the revival of the West Belfast branch on 5th January 1942.

On 5th January 1942, the Belfast News-Letter reported on the revival of the West Belfast Labour Party. The news followed the meeting in Belfast of the executive of the Northern Ireland Labour Party the previous weekend. During the meeting, the executive officially endorsed the revival of the West Belfast division.

Mr. R. Morrow (Secretary of the Belfast Trade and Labour Council) chaired the West Belfast meeting. Mr. J. McAteer filled the role of Secretary. Among those in attendance were Messrs. J. Hayes, J. Keating, G. Dempsey, R. McClung, and J. Glass. Each of these names is well-known to those in Trade Union movements. Also in attendance was Nationalist Councillor, Francis Hanna. Mr. Hanna had recently accepted an invitation to join the Northern Ireland Labour Party.

Following the meeting, Councillor Hanna stated he had been:

Forced to the conclusion that proper and effective representation of West Belfast Division could only be secured under the aegis of a strong Labour Party.

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