30th June in wartime Northern Ireland

On 30th June 1943, Major General Russel P. Hartle of the United States Army responded to an unusual invitation from Belfast's Ulster Kerry Blue Terrier Club.

Letter from Major General Hartle

A.P.O. 305, U.S. Army

30 June 1943

Robert Meekin Esq.
Hon. Sec. Ulster Kerry Blue Terrier Club
80 Premier Drive
Shore Road, Belfast

Dear Mr. Meekin:

With reference to your letter of June 16th, please express to the membership of our Kerry Blue Club my utmost appreciation of the thought that prompted them in making me a lifetime member. In the latter connection, I again wish to register my regret in not being able to function as your president.

I hope to be able to fulfil my promise of a trophy for the annual cup show during the not-distant future. In the meantime, with many thanks, my very kindest regards to the various members of the club, I am

Most sincerely,
R.P. Hartle
Major General, U.S. Army

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