Advice for those with Diabetes in the event of an Air Raid

On 8th April 1941, the Ministry of Public Security published advice for those with Diabetes. This included a disc to be worn and the carrying of an I.D. card.

On 8th April 1941, the Belfast News-Letter published an article entitled 'Diabetics in Air Raids'. This piece highlighted arrangements made in Northern Ireland to deal with potential problems people with diabetes may suffer during an Air Raid. The Ministry of Public Security at Stormont drew up guidelines in conjunction with the Diabetic Association of London.

Recognising that these sufferers would run special risks during enemy air action, the Ministry has decided to follow the procedure adopted in England.

All First Aid Posts in Northern Ireland will receive instructions from their local authority on the recognition and first aid treatment of the sudden illnesses to which diabetics are liable.

To facilitate this work, the Ministry has arranged with the London Association to supply each diabetic with a disc and card, the disc to be worn round the neck or arm stating that he or she is a diabetic, the card to be kept with the National Identity Card, giving the name, address, and telephone number of the patient’s doctor; the usual dose of insulin, and the treatment for sudden faintness or unconsciousness.

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