Tech vs. Yarvard in Larne, Co. Antrim

The United States Army teams Tech and Yarvard lined up for an American Football exhibition game at Sandy Bay Playing Fields, Larne, Co. Antrim in 1942.

At 1430hrs on 21st November 1942, Tech faced Yarvard in a competitive game of American Football at Sandy Bay Playing Fields, Larne, Co. Antrim. Lieutenant Colonel Bittner of the U.S. Army introduced the game and gave a running commentary throughout.

Yarvard won the game 14-0 as Tech fielded many players who lined up for Hale the previous week at Ravenhill Stadium, Belfast. The match had been a tight contest with the score at 0-0 at half time before 2 touchdowns and a safety gave Yarvard the win.

What a fine husky lot of fellows these were. Some of them giants in physique, and all of them plucky and fast. They looked curiously hunchbacked with their protective armour beneath their shirts, but even that couldn’t disguise their ability to go all out and to mix it with the best.

Proceeds from tickets sold went to the British Red Cross. Alderman John Girvan (Mayor of Larne) presented £20, 0s, 6d to Lady Roden (Chair of the Larne Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund).

Game Report

An exhibition match of American football was played this afternoon at Sandy Bay, Larne Harbour, and attracted a large crowd of spectators. The proceeds were devoted to Red Cross funds.

Teams entitled Tech and Yarvard gave a good exhibition of the game. In the first two quarters, the Tech team showed itself the more enterprising and had the majority of downs, but the Yarvard defence was sound and a half-time there was no score.

In the last two quarters, the Yarvard team gained and held the upper hand. Twice they scored touchdowns from neat forward passes, the after kick in each case failing. They, however, scored a safety and thus won by 14 points to nil.

An excellent running commentary was given by Lt-Col. Bittner, which enabled local spectators to follow the game with much greater interest.

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